Twitteroo is a free desktop application to be used in conjunction with Twitter, a popular social network. This program provides a pop-up window (with or without sound) that informs us about the latest 20 twits at a defined time interval.
From the user interface we can read the beginning of the messages. If we see people that we'd like to contact, we can do so by clicking on their username or photo. Our Internet browser will be opened and redirected to the message sender's webpage. It is not only possible to view messages on Twitter, but also monitor a Facebook account, or any other social network site, or even a personal or commercial website.
The program inherits the disadvantages of social networks themselves *(and Twitter in particular): most of the messages come from commercial pages and they are not at all interesting. They are not only in English, but also in seemingly every other language of the world, all mixed up. Moreover, the user interface is very small. Fonts can be resized, but there is not much point in doing this as the window size remains the same.